Roamers & Ramblers | Jonas Wheeler - Compas Life Apparel Skip to content


Roamers & Ramblers | Jonas Wheeler

Roamers & Ramblers | Jonas Wheeler

Our second featured traveler in the ongoing Roamer & Ramblers series is the young adventurer Jonas Wheeler
Instagram: @jonasxwheeler 
Jonas is an avid adventurer from the beautiful state of Arizona. Jonas is an extremely talented photographer who often is found capturing the outdoors through his camera lense. Jonas took some gear and headed to the Arizona desert for a stunning visual representation of the R&R line.
What makes you a good fit for our team of travelers?
I love to travel and I have a desire to see the world. I have a hard time staying in one spot, I constantly find myself roaming different places.

How would you describe yourself when it comes to adventuring? 
I would say I am a roamer because I have no destination. Whenever I travel the journey is what is important and I just let the road guide me.
Where is your favorite place to travel and why?
My favorite place so far that I have traveled to is Bryce Canyon National Park. I recently went there in December for my birthday and the entire canyon was covered in snow. It was magical.

When visiting a new place what is your favorite thing to do?
My favorite thing to do when visiting a new place is exploring the trails and views that these beautiful places have to offer.
What are some go to things you bring on your adventures?
I always bring my Canon 6D Mark 2 to document my adventures; a film camera is always cool to have on trips. Snacks and water are must, especially when hiking or being far away from a grocery store.
Where do you hope to travel to in 2019?
I plan to travel to Arches National Park and Canyon Lands National Park. I am also going to New York in September, which will be amazing because I have never been to the east coast nor have I ever been in a plane. So far that is all I have planned.

Don't forget to follow Jonas on Instagram. We're excited for him to get over to New York for the first time. We can't wait to see the pictures from his east coast adventure where we are living that #upstateofmind! 
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