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Roamers & Ramblers | Carolyn Wensley

Roamers & Ramblers | Carolyn Wensley

Our next featured Roamer & Ramblers traveler is the Canadian photographer Carolyn Wensley, also known as Janes Wild Heart
Instagram: @janeswildheart
Very fitting to the name of her photography company, Janes Wild Heart, Carolyn Wensley is an adventurer, photographer, and storyteller. Based in the Canadian province Saskatchewan, Carolyn always seems to be on a wild adventure.
Carolyn's vision for her photography and visual storytelling is very fitting with our vision at Compas. Life is about shared experiences and creating memorable moments. She is doing a wonderful job capturing those moments with her camera. Carolyn has taken the vast landscapes of the Great White North a few times with gear from the R&R line.
Check out below some of her shots as well as an interview with Carolyn!
Last fall we released the first half of our Roamers and Ramblers collection. Would you identify more as a Roamer or a Rambler?
I am an adventurer with nomadic tendencies, so I would say I am a little of both.  
Ever hear a song that makes you want to drive down an endless road with the windows down and your arms out headed nowhere?  Sometimes all it takes is a song.  For me its always been as simple as that; I just love exploring new places.  That feeling is so deep in my soul I will always roam.
Where is your favorite place to travel and why?
Right now its the Canadian Rockies!  Mostly because I live fairly close and there are so many places to check out all year.
When visiting a new place what is your favorite thing to do?
let's be real - my priority is a good coffee shop!  I like to stay in unique places so I drop my gear, grab a coffee, feel out the vibe then hit the trails!
What are some must-have items you bring on your adventures?
I always have a first aid kit!  Even if I never use it I always pack one to keep handy in case someone on the trail needs some help. 
Go to snacks are beef jerky and real fruit gummies.  I also throw in an extra layer in case of unexpected weather.
Where do you hope to travel to in 2019?
I am hiking the Nootka Trail on the coast of British Columbia, Scotland in September and hopefully over the Isle of Skye as well.  In October I'll be in Skykomish and hopefully ending the year hiking Larch Valley in Banff National Park.  My wish list for this year is Haida Gwaii - but that might have to wait for 2020.
What is some advice you can give to someone who has an interest in traveling but is inexperienced?
Do your research!  I have found that Parks offices have friendly staff with great tips, suggestions, and up to date trail information so you can head out prepared.  And don't fear the unknown.  You will never know what you can accomplish until you get out there and try!
Check out more Carolyn's work here
To check out the products Carolyn and her friends were wearing check out the Roamers and Ramblers collection!
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