Compas x OC Coastkeeper - Coastal Cleanup Day Recap - Compas Life Apparel Skip to content


Compas x OC Coastkeeper - Coastal Cleanup Day Recap

This past Saturday was Coastal Cleanup Day, which is the largest trash pick up day across the globe annually. States like California alone have over 66,000 volunteers who gather together to take out the trash and clean our beaches.

We wanted to get involved! So, we reached out to OC Coastkeeper to see what we could do to help. After organizing a group of friends, we made our way to Huntington Beach for the cleanup. 


Our beaches accumulate tons of garbage over the course of the year. This past Saturday, volunteers in Orange County removed over 60,000 pounds of trash from the sandy shores that we all enjoy.

The most common items collected during our cleanup were bottle caps and cigarette butts. This was no surprise as cigarette butts are the most commonly littered item in the world, with an estimated 4.5 trillion littered each year. 

To show our support and passion for the project, we decided to donate something to the cause. With the help of OC Coastkeeper, we created a 100% recycled and reusable grocery bag. The first 100 people who attended the cleanup took our bag home as a thank you for their hard work and dedication to the cleanup.

For more information on OC Coastkeeper and ways you can keep our beaches litter free please visit their website at:




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